Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sweet Tea, Mudding, and Fireflies: Country at its Best

The evening started out unlike any other—I burst through the front door of my “summer home” with tears streaming down my face. The anticipated greeting was tarnished as soul mate giggled a little at my appearance, and laughed a little harder when she failed to mention that we had two visitors. Awesome—not only am I clothed in my *best* attire [a rose colored cotton skirt and an oversized gray t-shirt that featured a stain of apples and oatmeal on the front], but I rush to the bedroom without even introducing myself. How incredibly Rude of me, I know… I didn’t hesitate to capitalize the R. I broke down again as soon as I hit the princess and the pea bed—a little embarrassed about my arrival and reliving the nightmare that had been my week.

Accidentally losing track of time due to girl talk, a delicious blend of sweet tea and not being able to find something suitable for me to wear, we messed up our scheduled plans. Allow me to depict how upset I was at this time: not even ice cream or Nordstrom shoes could cure my blues! Just as paintball was a fix to a lost dog in Failure to Launch, turns out country mud fights (and a few great dance songs) were a perfect solution for my mess! "...1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4..."

So much fun that I had to pry the checkered galoshes off my feet- though the pattern (at this time) was really a mystery as they were fully consumed in mud as was my whole body—head to toe! I do believe my hair would have been “gelled” back like Miss P’s if I didn’t wear my Real Tree hat. Then again I chose to wear a bright shirt instead of something camo-like. Turns out mud shows up REAL well on sunshine yellow.

The night ended with a deep discussion about desires and wants under a dark curtain full of fireflies and shooting stars. We had been told at sometime over the course of my visit that there is nothing we cannot have… Pretty much it was established that if we worked hard enough we could have anything our heart desires AND anything we could ever want. Hahaha… Typical male, not even in the same book as us… To him, we were talking about typical girl stuff: accessories like the new Michele watch, shoes, or a trendy outfit… maybe a new car, plastic surgery, and a nice pool we wouldn’t have to maintain. However, that is not what we meant at all.

Currently I desire a teleporter, a genie who doesn’t limit me to 3 wishes, and to control another’s free will. None of those things are realistic. I cannot fulfill these things no matter how hard I try, how much my heart desires them or how much effort I put forth.

In between prayer and song, a few days later, I thought for .78 seconds that maybe I COULD have the World- who’s to say someone won’t invent a teleporter for my next birthday gift?… but before that thought would be fully allowed to process in my mind, the Sunday’s sermon quickly reminded me, God is not in the wants business. Wants are never ending, if you fulfill one it is replaced by another.

How ridiculous I sound when my best friend once nicknamed Patches, who is heavily medicated and highly motivated, only wants to see the next day. Who has come to terms with knowing she might not ever have a 25th birthday let alone be able to get married and start a family. Who desires to be able to eat again, dance again, migrate from one room to another without a walker and to be cordless; not attached to an IV pole (that is currently as loose as a 5 year olds tooth) or her “Dora the Explorer” backpack of medicine.

She is a reminder that God will provide what you need. She also shared with me a new amazing perspective… you can see God’s work and everything else better in hindsight, so when you currently might not be able to see clearly, perhaps you should bend over and look at it through your legs. Oh Patches on drugs… Similar to a firefly (or Vegas)—she shines so bring that regardless if she stays or goes, her light will always remain.

Life is not a nightmare, it is a gift. I am thankful for what I have and appreciate the simple things- like sweet tea, mudding, and fireflies.

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