Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sticks and Stones, Skulls and Crossbones

In a world where false advertising runs high and trustworthiness runs low, we are often forced to get second opinions… is this blazer blue or black? Are you sure these precious pink skull and crossbone boots are going to fit me; I mean I really like them, but I just don’t think they like me?

Most people ask for second opinions on real estate, medical issues, and men (or women). I get mine on clothes, jobs opportunities, relationships, pretty much everything. I like to be absolutely certain that I am making the best decision for me so I consult Amber’s Army: the few, the proud, and the pretty…. Or pretty handsome. The thing I have to be prepared for is to face my 8 closest girlfriends… aka the mirrors you can’t avoid when you’ve put on a few pounds. And my 10 closest guy friends who won’t sugar coat ANYTHING and ALWAYS tell me how it really is. They all know me SO well-- inside and out…

• better than the difference between a real Louis and a fake one (okay, not the guys… better than the knowing when to switch from an iron to a wedge),

• better than singing at the top of your lungs in a car to your new favorite song and knowing if its rap that I will convert into my alter ego, Ambyonce, in 5.7 seconds,

• And even better than crunchy peanut butter with homemade strawberry jam on wheat bread, you get the idea ….

Something I appreciate and admire about them for sure: They are all able to handle me, and know very well what they were getting into when they signed up to take the job of being my friend… or maybe they didn’t, but they are troopers! They know I am up for everything and anything, they know I would never intentionally hurt someone, I love people and will give them the respect they deserve even if they are not my favorite, if the TV isn’t on ESPN then its most likely Food Network or Disney Channel (I am still a kid at heart), but they also know I am just a lil opinionated, am entitled to a bad day, am consistently inconsistent about new hobbies/trends and am ALWAYS going to wear my heart on my sleeve… unless I get a tattoo of it on my foot. (don’t get too excited, odds are better that they send a peacock for a shot to win a million dollars in a poker tournament hosted on the moon!)

Most importantly, they love me just the way I am, just as I love them for all their own individual reasons… for sayings like: "Did you just see this bird used my arm as a restroom? I think we should make a bigger deal out of this!"..."I have this theory"..."I just Marilyn Monroe-d Kentucky --on a work trip"..."I’m too pretty not to procreate"..."You’re going to be cleaner than a bottle of Tide"..."Crown the whiskey, not Crown like a crayon"..."Roger that, Burke"..."I am going to have a scar from a fork"..."You're probably going to need church-twice" ..."Shut up. Good night."

Here’s the thing, words are great from friends who make you laugh, provide you a source of joy, and help create memories, but not all words are great. There are a lot of words in the English language, and some simply should not go together. “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” REALLY? *palm to forehead* I would like to have a word with the person who came up with this faulty statement.

It has been my experience that words can hurt more. I would rather take the sticks and stones and deal with the temporary pain. Some words that are said get replayed in our heads daily and end up hurting worse than if we were to have cuts all over our body, got tossed into a pool of lemon juice and then fell into a big ole dirt mound! I understand the context, how you are the only one who can allow others to make you feel inferior, but it is SO hard to do… It is my desire and goal to not allow other people’s hurtful words get into my head. Dear friends, please try to hold me accountable to this.

I have found it’s hardest when the words that are spoken aren’t even true, yet those that you really care for choose to believe them. I mean REALLY care for, would do anything for-- ANYTHING… Would go out on a limb and risk one of your limbs breaking just to make their day a little better… Would bail them out of jail without making one single judgment about them because you love them more than skull and cross bone boots, more than seeing your favorite player receive Heisman, and even more than life itself.

Of all the things in life that I choose to get second, third, and fourth opinions about, I will never need anyone else’s opinion on this group of friends. In fact, of all the challenges that life throws my way, I am certain that I could get through them, but not without the help of my Army.

Thank you all for believing in me, for giving me grace, and for always being there.

I love y’all whole heartedly. And don’t want to imagine one day of life without you in it. I mean how tragic will that be to not experience a peacock on the moon, or for you to really not understand how hardcore I am when I wear Miss P’s skull and crossbone accessories.

Tragic, with a capital T, that is!

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