Thursday, August 19, 2010

Momma Knows Best

Recipe for Summer: Mississippi Mud Cupcakes… Three main layers; one to represent each of the Three Musketeers. Though we can best be described by our new Anne Taintor handbags.

LaLa: a German OCD who is full of wit and perspective and new recipes. Her bag reads, “Please stop me from volunteering again” though it should probably really read "please don’t volunteer me."

B-Roth: a laid back sports guru who is confident, loyal (oh that orange!) and a tad bit sarcastic. Her bag reads, “Funny… I don’t recall asking for your opinion.”

And then there is me: a little high maintenance sass who loves a new accessory but loves her friends WAYYY more. My bag reads, “I love not camping.”

As you can probably already tell from our descriptions, we provide a great checks and balance system for each other and anyone else who crosses our paths. Similar to how we equalized each other, we also structured our days perfectly together.

Mondays were craft day and dedicated to our Bethenney show and leaving no sweets untested, but Tuesdays were unofficially pool day. Though we always said we would try out a pink bikini, we never did… instead, we discussed the important things in life like how we would most effectively tan every part of visible skin, the latest Big Brother episode, and how we would like to become snow cone flavor aficionados full time. Too bad neighbors could not overhear pool day conversations… they would have certainly been entertained!

• “Neil Caffrey just moved Max way down the list on husband prospects... Yes, but currently I only need a football husband for the upcoming season”
• “Why didn’t y’all tell me a little goes a long way? I look like I could be a part of the BP oil spill”
• “I don’t know his real name, I just call him Fluffy… he’s on loan for a week”
• “My legs are reallll white, do you think if I lay like this I could fix it?”
• “I love browning lotion, but you can only get it in Maui- practically no sun block but it’s made from cocoa and stuff”
• “OMG Girls, Serious drama-Mother is trying to pick me up something from the grocery store…”

After making this last comment, we shifted gears and talked about family and relationships.

Topic: Momma Knows Best.

I filled them in on the story of the chlorine turtle… Allow us to travel back in time to 1997. My best friend, Julia, came to visit our new family home in Plano, Texas. Being July and HOT, we went for a swim. For some reason as a child I LOVED the smell of gasoline and chlorine. I don’t know why, but checking with my friends—it didn’t seem so weird. Anyway, I convinced Julia to pick up the floating pool turtle (after mother said absolutely 100% regardless of whatever you do out here DO NOT PLAY WITH THE TURTLE!)… just to see how good chlorine smelled… well she REALLLY inhaled it and nearly died… Her short life probably flashed before her eyes. Luckily, our new neighbor was a medical professional of some sort and was able to help Julia fully recover. This is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the phrase “Momma Knows Best”… Lesson learned: when she says don’t play with the turtle, it includes don’t touch it. Period.

LaLa starts a great topic on appearance and proper etiquette. Our mothers always told us to never leave the house, not even should we go to the mailbox without a fresh face and earrings. We would have probably sent them into heart attack mode if they knew how we dressed for college classes some days … or even today how we came to the pool. You never know when you are going to have a date with fate, so you must always look your best. Probably why I would “fix” my hair when I was little, and my mother would instruct me to “try again.” It was training for when we would become interested in boys...especially ones who wear plaid shorts. Momma Knows Best.

We talked about a party south of the border; it didn’t go so well… I shared, they sympathized. Like great friends would do before giving you their real feedback. B-Roth starts to give me the same advice my mother would have, “find the best in people”… “even if you have to dig to the center of the Earth to find it”…Ugh, Friends and Mommas Know Best.

Finally, just as I sadly as can predict the rotation of sales at the Limited, mothers know coupons and the grocery store. They can train us how to pick the best produce, how to save more than you spend, and sometimes can spot the best looking home dĂ©cor. Too bad your budget will NEVER allow such a costly purchase. Then mid grocery trip, they teach us how watermelons are sometimes like men; we see what we want in the people that we love. Even though the watermelon can look ripe and pretty on the outside doesn’t mean they taste sweet on the inside. Mommas normally know best, but sometimes they forget that watermelon is only in season for a little bit… what I am really interested in is the apple who’s around year long. I understand there are lots of different options when it comes to apples and occasionally you get a rotten one, but every now and then you get a perfectly crisp one.

Lesson Learned: Mommas are humans, and mostly know what is best for you. However, friends like the 3 Musketeers also understand that daughters are stubborn and sometimes we don’t want what’s best for us. We just want what we want. No matter how messed up our poor Jimney Cricket has become from the smell of tanning oil or chlorine... That’s why not only it is important to value a mother’s opinion, but it’s crucial that you have good guidance from girlfriends.

Summer 2010 came to an end and so did watermelon season, but thankfully, the 3 Musketeers are year round. There is no “bye” in our “goodbye” just a whole lot of good! Similar to a recipe creation for Mississippi Mud Cupcakes—no “carbs or fat or sugar” just a whole lotta delicious!

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