Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"If I Were a Guy, I'd be a Delta Chi"

It was October 2004. I was living in a dorm off Lindsey Street in Norman attending the University of Oklahoma (you know, the school that just beat Mack Brown and his Texas Longhorns?!). There was this girl who I instantly looked up to immensely. She always dressed in the cutest clothes, make up near flawless, and not a hair out of place. She was one of those girls who could wear workout clothes and hair in a sloppy pony tail and guys would still stare at her as if she were a brilliant fireworks display over Epcot. She was completely put together, organized, social and eloquent in her speech. And did I mention we were forbidden to be friends because she was my TA? Luckily for us, we felt friendship trumped the rules.

She introduced me to a lot of great things that year: Gamma Phi oreo dessert, Highway 9 runs, Catch Phrase, her roommate, Rusty’s, how to really study the night before a public speaking final and a fabulous fraternity called Delta Chi aka some of my favorite guys on the entire planet—scratch that… Solar System! Me and Miss P loved them so much that we proudly sported non-fitted t-shirts in every color that read, “If I Were a Guy, I’d be a Delta Chi.”

When it comes to them, the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” simply does not apply. Just because it has been a while since I have seen them, does NOT mean I don’t think of them often.

Fast forward to October 2010… Just this past weekend (most important weekend of the year… OU/TX game, Miss P’s birthday, and girlfriend time), I was reunited with the group (almost in its entirety). I am pretty sure when I first ran into Mr. Bench— I screamed louder than a 6 year old at a haunted house for the first time. Then we ventured upstairs… and there they were… all sitting around a table: Cody, Nicholas, Brad, Sam, Tyler, and Adam. With Nic Bench in the mix, I was fairly certain I could claim that I spent most of the evening socializing with the World’s 7 Greatest Wonders. Then just a few hours later, was blessed with the presence of JFray and GJ just a bar away. Best part? It was as if no time had past; we simply picked up right where we left off. Just instead of being at Coach’s or the house off of Lahoma, we were sitting at Renfield’s in Uptown (apologize for the accuracy of spelling, its how Cody text it to me).

This group of guys is anything but average. There is NEVER a dull moment, probably one of their greatest assets… especially since I love things that sparkle and shine. This is the epitome of their personalities; they are the essence of fun. They are captivating, charming, and charismatic. Not to mention, me and my dear friend, Lady S’ abs hurt for an entire day after that night from laughing SO hard.

Similar to that one dress you could never afford, the linger of “the one that got away,” the best diet chocolate cake dessert you’ve ever tasted, a great football game, a grand fireworks display, a friendship that withstands the test of time or a night with the Delta Chi's… I have learned that sometimes no matter how far out of sight something is, no matter if Kodak couldn’t even capture the memories… It doesn’t mean that they are out of mind. In fact, it’s those things I seem treasure those the most.

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