Saturday, February 19, 2011

Better Late than Never

I know what you’re probably thinking… TIMEOUT! {in Zack Morris voice, of course} this is February not January. We are already a month into the New Year and you are just now posting this?! The answer is yes. I chose to take an entire month to reflect on E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G that is happened over the course of the past year. I have established a lot, but what I want to share is lessons learned and goals that will help aid me in forward progression to the person I desire to be.

Ten Lessons Learned in 2010

1. The hottest fires create the toughest steel.
2. If I don’t make a decision, someone else will make it for me.
3. A heart can be broken, but will beat just the same.
4. It is an heiress biggest sin to be boring.
5. I will hurt the people I love the most.
6. Forgiveness is a big word and so is love.
7. No matter how much I change, I will pay the price for the wrong that I’ve done.
8. Disclosed feelings and open communication lead to stronger relationships and more happiness.
9. It is never okay to give up apart of myself to become a part of someone else.
10. The start of faith is at the end of my comfort zone.

Eleven Goals for 2011

1. Use the word love sparingly {thanks, Claire!}
2. Take the time to understand myself.
3. Be diligent in devotionals daily.
4. Save more, spend less.
5. Simplify.
6. Don’t major on the minors.
7. Find a career path that aligns with my values not my lifestyle choices.
8. Treasure relationships, and allow others to break down walls I have built.
9. Take one day at a time. And I really mean just one not 10 or 15.
10. Keep my car cleaned out.
11. Start running again for me. {know it may be cliché, but I just had to include it}

Note: I have discovered that while I post this I am being somewhat of a hypocrite to myself because just the other day I told a friend that I was simply only going to make monthly goals so that I actually attain them. However, I feel it’s just as important to have overall yearly goals too. Creating more opportunities for success… can one really argue that philosophy?! {rhetorical question…don’t answer that!}

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