Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thank God for Good Directions... and Mister Jeeves

North, South, East, and West are the Cardinal Directions known to almost all mankind, I presume. These are the four words I cannot function with successfully. You see, I am what some call “directionally challenged.” And I SOOO wish I wasn’t.

To me, down was South and up was North. Now you can understand why Jeeves (my GPS) was the best gift I have ever received. Jeeves is amazing- I just tell him where I need to go, if I want to avoid toll roads, and if I want the fastest distance or shortest route… then calculating… and we are off! May I also mention the absolute greatest thing about Jeeves is that even when I mess up he redirects me without a hitch.

I have come to appreciate Jeeves over the years, it’s the nicest thing to buckle up and know I have guidance on the road. The road of life, however, is a different story. You see even Jeeves needs for me to indicate where I want to go. Honestly, sometimes that’s the most difficult part of my journey- I don’t know where to go from here.

Normally, I am decisive. And if I cannot decide something even after wise counsel is sought, then I base my decision on something I feel is rational. For example, recently I needed to paint my entire house. Since it would literally cover the E-N-T-I-R-E thing, I wanted to pick the right color. Everyone I had asked said “its up to you”… Well dang! I narrowed it down to three choices… China Doll, Mushroom, and Plateau. Here is how I decided:

1. I don’t like China food, therefore I cannot pick a paint color representative of that country.
2. Mushrooms… kinda mushy, a fungus, and I ALWAYS pick them off my supreme pizza. So surely I cannot pick that for my house.
3. I like the name, representative of where I am in life. Stable, capable of new heights yet if I fall it may have damaging potential.

You guessed it… my house is plateau. And I am fond of it.

Another time my “method” successfully worked was my first year of playing in a college football pool. There was this thing called “spread” – not like how you would smooth butter on toast, but a point spread. I had little time to learn nor very much interest, but wanted to participate in order to impress a gentleman. The whole season I decided that I would choose teams based on cities I preferred to shop in… and it resulted in second place! That is like the Super Bowl runner up.. *Woot!* However, some just mayyyyy consider that luck.

I assure you, there are times that my choices can’t be justified by a sporadic method that I create off a whim and I sure can’t follow my heart (thing has a mind of its own! Not to mention is more stubborn than the managers at The Limited who don’t let me use all my coupons). These are the days I feel like Pocahontas as she sits under Grandmother Willow with her spinning compass. What do you do when your needle won’t stop and decide on which direction you’re headed? What if the magnetism in it is messed up and it takes you on a TOTAL wrong path?

The answer is simple… throw it out cause you shouldn’t clutter your house with broken things.

I learned over the last 8 weeks in my Bible Study is that my life is not left to chance and sure not up to some device that requires satellites to be acquired. In fact, I am the daughter of the King of Kings, and He wouldn’t let me or any of his children remain lost. He is greater than any GPS; He is in charge of where my life is currently and what steps I need to take to get where He needs me to go. He is also in charge of my directionally challenged self, and when I miss a turn He doesn’t always require me to recalculate in order to get me back on track. Sometimes, He just needed me to take the next exit to properly fulfill His divine plan.

As thankful as I am for Jeeves, “luck,” and guided counsel… I am most thankful for a God who will take the wheel when I can no longer maintain control.